Reboot First Responders: Two-Day Course on April 11-12, 2025
For all First Responders and their families: Law enforcement, fire, EMS, 911 communications, and communities.
Join us for a FREE, two-day course on Friday, April 11 & Saturday, April 12, 2025 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. We’ll focus on getting to the root of post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI/PTSD) by understanding PTSI, the effects of it, and giving you practical solutions, not coping mechanisms, to find real healing, growth, and wellness. This faith-based course assists first responders and their families in healing from the spiritual and emotional impact of daily stress and trauma. You won’t find shortcuts or easy answers; instead you’ll find solutions that last. Lunch provided. Register now to reserve your seat.
This two day course is offered without childcare. Spouses/Significant Others are encouraged to attend, however they will need to register for their ticket as well.