Trainings Classes

A variety of classes and trainings covering content that helps our community members, businesses, schools and churches.

Please contact us for further information regarding classes. We will come to your location to provide these trainings.

Contact us to schedule a training today!

Current Trainings being Offered:

  • Crisis Aftermath and Trauma Training (CATT)
  • Peer Support Training
  • Victimization Prevention
  • Neighborhood Emergency Training (NET)
  • Church Chaplain Training*

For businesses, churches, and Schools

Crisis Aftermath 

and Trauma Training

Traumatic events occur daily.  Examples include sudden death of a co-worker, vehicle crash of a friend or family member, serious medical diagnosis of a parent, or unfortunate suicide of someone we know or related to someone we know. There are right and wrong ways to help. Wrong ways create more hurt. Crisis Aftermath and Trauma Training (CATT) can help you learn how to really help someone experiencing a traumatic or critical incident in a proper and compassionate manner. FrontLine First provides training classes to educate and prepare individuals for crisis aftermath. There are two Class lengths:  1.5 hours and 8 hours  and can take place in your facility.  Call us for more information and to schedule your training class today!


For first responder Departments and businesses

Peer Support Training

Peer Support Training provides a much needed resource for departments and businesses, having trained employees helping their co-workers that are facing challenges in their lives or have a difficult experience to deal with.  This training will equip your employees in how to really listen, how trauma affects people, how to provide practical assistance and also connect people with resources.  Having well trained peer support has proven to increase employee wellness, lessen absenteeism, and increase employee morale.


For anyone

Victimization Prevention

This is a must have, must attend training for all women. You can read about people being attacked daily. We live in a world that is unfortunately full of people willing to victimize others. Every person needs to learn how to reduce the chances of becoming that victim. Our Victimization Prevention class will teach you how. It is not a self-defense class, but instead teaches self-protection. Come and learn how to prevent becoming a victim and instead be self-aware and wise. Contact us for more information and to schedule a training date now!

For Anyone

Neighborhood Emergency Training

Unexpected natural disasters occur on a regular basis;  fires, earthquakes, etc. Most people are completely unprepared and have no idea what to do, where to go, or what supplies to have on hand in case of a disaster. Do not be caught off guard! Request a Neighborhood Emergency Training Class from a certified instructor today to stay prepared and to have a peace of mind. 

FrontLine First will provide the Homeland Security Neighborhood Emergency Training (NET) to businesses, churches, and/or neighborhood groups teaching how to prepare for such disasters and how to help their families and neighbors. Call or email us to schedule a class time today!


For Anyone

Chaplain Training

Church chaplains serve their pastors, staff, and congregation in many capacities such as crisis response, grief counseling, hospital and home visitation, and spiritual guidance. Due to their sensitive nature, these services require special training to ensure chaplains assist their people in an appropriate manner.

FrontLine First will provide a Church Chaplaincy course to prepare individuals to serve  within their church community and beyond. A Course consists of 8 hours classroom training.  

Call or email us for more information and to schedule a class date.



“I am a retired deputy with 26 years of law enforcement experience. I believe the class content is extremely valuable and necessary for the survival of all first responders.”

Deputy, 26 years

Interested in one of our trainings? Contact us today for more information. 

FrontLine First

PO Box 292613
Sacramento, CA 95829

Tel. (916) 259-9987

[email protected]


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EIN: 83-2703968
Not for Profit 501(c)(3)